Jue, 25/04/2019 - 11:53
Exterior de una instalación de la Facultad de Bellas Artes con la pared llena de dibujos coloridos

Carapelli for Art is an international prize for visual arts aimed at supporting and promoting contemporary art. It was launched in 2018 on the occasion of the 125th anniversary of the historic oil company Carapelli Firenze Reciprocity and diversity among the artwork’s parts bestow a high strength upon it - both at a formal level and the way it connects with public.

There are two categories of prizes, for a total prize money of € 12,000:

- Open category, reserved for all professional artists;

- Category Academy, reserved for students enrolled at the Academies of Fine Arts.

The winning works will be acquired in the Carapelli art collection and enhanced through exhibitions over time.

Send the application by 15 July 2019. The winning works will be selected by the jury and the winners announced in September 2019.

+info: LINK: ->