Jue, 01/02/2018 - 09:15
Exterior de una instalación de la Facultad de Bellas Artes con la pared llena de dibujos coloridos

18 May 2018 – 18 mayo 2018

9.30 – 10.30 Congress Registration - Registro

10.30 – 11.00 Opening Ceremony - Inauguración del congreso

Acto Inaugural Mesa de Honor: Excmo. Sr. Alcalde de Alcalá la Real, D. Carlos Hinojosa Concejalía de Cultura, Excmo. Ayuntamiento Alcalá la Real, Jaén, D. Juan Francisco Martínez Representación Instituto de Estudios Giennense, Diputación Provincial de Jaén, Dr. Pedro Galera Andreu Sr. Rector Universidad. Kafrelsheikh. Egipto. Dr. Maged Abdeltawad Elkemary Sr. Decano de la Facultad de Bellas Artes, UGR. Dr. Francisco José Sánchez Montalban Dirección Congreso, Dra. Mª José de Córdoba Serrano

11.00 – 11.50 Conferencia Inaugural, “Los trazos de la música” Dr. Reynaldo Fernández Manzano

Panel I: Percepción, creatividad y sinestesia/ Perception, creativity and synaesthesia Gráfica, diseño y sinestesia / Graphics, design and synaesthesia.

12.15– 12.45 Key Note Speaker – Conferencia inaugural:Dra. Dina Ricco. Politecnico de Minalo.Department of Design, Italy. “Synesthetic translation - a theoretical framework”

Short break

12-50 – 13.05: Sergio Basbaum, Dept. of Computation, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo - PUC-SP. “Sense and meaning: body senses and language in a synesthetic key”

13.10– 13.25: Michael Funk,University Assistant, Philosophy of Media and Technology, University of Vienna, “Synaesthesia in the philosophical works of Ludwig Wittgestein”

13:35- 14:00 Michael Haverkamp, Institution Germany. “Hugo Meier-Thur – Synesthesia and Life in Black and White”

Time for questions and discussion./tiempo para para preguntas y debate.


17.00 – 17.15: Andrea Togni, FINO Consortium Italy . “Synesthesias as sensory modalities”

17.20 – 17.35: Jasmin Rani SINHA, Martin SCHLÖSSER Synaisthesis, Belgium. “Can You Teach Me To Fly Like That?” – Translating Spoken Language Into An Animated Synaesthesia Movie”

17.30 – 17.45: Time for questions and discussion/ tiempo para preguntas y debate

18.00 – 19.00: MuVi5 films selections and Award Ceremony

19.30 h: Inauguración Teknesyn II Opening Act /Inauguración. Palacio Abacial. ( Montaje de la exposición, día 17 de 10:30 a 14:00 y de 14:30 a 18:30)

19 May 2018 – 19 mayo 2018

Panel II: Neurociencia y cognición / Neuroscinece and cognition Neurológica y lingüística / Neurology and linguistic Nuevas tecnologías y sinestesia / New Technologies and synesthesia

10.00 – 10.40:Jörg Jewanski1 , Julia Simner2 , Sean A. Day3 , Nicolas Rothen4 , Jamie Ward2. 1 Department Musik hochschule, University of Münster, Germany 2 School of Psychology, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK 3 Department of English and Journalism, Trident Technical College, Charleston, South Carolina, US 4 Institute of Psychology, University of Bern, CH. “Synaesthesia: the development of its terminology”

10.45 – 11.20:Anton Sidoroff, Moscow Pedagogical State University. Russia “Lev Vygotsky and Solomon Shereshevsky. Synaesthesia/eideticism and culture influence: history and perspectives in consciousness study”

11.20 – 11.35: Time for questions and discussion/Tiempo de Preguntas y debate.

11.40– 12.20: Mas Casadesus, Anna1; Ward, Jamie2; Simner, Julia2; Carmel, David1; and Elena Gherri1.1 Department of Psychology, School of Philosophy, Psychology, and Language Sciences, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK 2 School of Psychology, University of Sussex, Brighton and Hove, UK United Kingdom. “Assessing systematic differences in intermodal attention between synaesthetes and non-synaesthetes”

12.25 – 12.55: Helena Melero, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, España.“From pain to pleasure: a neuroscientific approach to paincolor and orgasm-color synesthesias” 12.55 – 13.05 Time for questions and discussion / tiempo de preguntas y debate

13.10 – 13.40: Sean Day, Department of English and Journalism, Trident Technical College, Charleston, South Carolina, USA “Synaesthesia in evolutionary perspective”

13.45 – 14.00 Time for questions and discussion/ tiempo de preguntas y debate

LUNCH BREAK/ Almuerzo 16.30 – 16.45: Joshua Berger, The University of Sydney Australia, “Bespoke calculator makes synaesthesia easier”

16.50 – 17.05: Javier Aparicio, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Spain. “SynBody Scores. Visual representations from: body movement, music composition using a wearable computing garment as an hyperinstrument.”

17.05 – 17.15 Time for discussion and questions

17.20 – 17.35: Lidell Simpson, USA, “Experience testing the new protype being a touch to sound synesthete”

17.40 – 17.55: Davide Antonio Gambera, IADE, Universidade Europeia, Laureate International Universities, Lisboa, Portugal; Dina Riccò,Politecnico di Milano, Department of Design, Milano, Italy; Emília Duarte IADE, Universidade Europeia, Laureate International Universitie,Lisboa, Portugal. “Design for health and well-being: a case of synesthetic design”

Time for questions and discussion and wrap up of the panel

18.30 – 19:30. Pantharei/ Acinema performace (Sergio Basbaum, Rodrigo Corrêa Gontijo and Dino Vicente de Lucca Jr), Teatro Martínez Montañéz

19:40 - 21:00. Bolero Ravel Event, Teatro Martínez Montañéz

20 May 2018 – 20 mayo 2018

Panel III Didáctica y educación / Teaching and education Arte Terapia y Sinestesia/art therapy and Synaesthesia

10.30 – 11.10: María José de Córdoba, Departamento de Dibujo, Universidad de Granada y Fundación Internacional artecittà.“Does the territory and the cultural environment determine the possible “condition” of synaesthesia and its degree? Brief introduction to comparative studies on people with synaesthesia in the world.”

11.35 – 11.50:Ninghui XIONG.Painting Music Art Synesthesia Studio. Beijing.P.R. China; Tongjun DING Art Media Dept.,Qian Jiang College, HangZhou Normal University P.R.China; Xin JIANG Beijing No.24 Middle School, P.R.China. Maria Jose De Córdoba, Granada University, Spain. Timothy B Layden Artecitta UK delegate, United Kingdom; Dina Riccò. Politecnico di Milano Italy “Synaesthesia in China 2016/2017”

11.55 – 12.10: Víctor Parra,Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador, Venezuela. Dr. Wilmer Chávez, Universidad Centro occidental Lisandro Alvarado, Venezuela. “Seminario de sinestesia, ciencia, arte y creatividad horizontes y perspectivas pedagógicas”

12.10 – 12.25: Time for questions and discussion/ tiempo de preguntas y debate.

12.25 – 12.40: Yuan Liu, Daniela Anna Calabi and Dina Riccò. Politecnico di Milano, Italy. “Synaesthetic and Haptic Experiences in Didactic Activities for Students of Design. An International Framework” 12.45 – 13.00: Juan García Villar, Dpto.Pintura, BBAA, UGR y Fundación Internacional artecittà “Color y representación pictórica: una experiencia sensorial y sinestésica en la pintura de alumnos con discapacidad intelectual en un contexto inclusivo”

13.05 – 13.20: Elena Caratti and Giovanni Baule. Politecnico di Minalo. Italy “From picture books to apps: didactic experimentations of transmedia translation”

13.25 -13.45: Presentation Synesthesia Luch. James Warneton

14:15. Synesthesia Lunch /almuerzo sinestésico (Hotel Torre Palma, por confirmar)

17.00 – 20:00. Preparativos mural/collective wall painting

21 May 2018 – 21 mayo 2018

Panel IV: Literary, Artistic, Music, Cinema

10.00 – 10.30h: Christine Söffing(1), Timothy B. Layden (2), Esther Kretzinger (3)(1) Synästhesiewerkstatt & Center for Music & Art, Ulm University Germany (1,3) , UK (2)“Synaesthesia – a secret language? Continuing the artistic research in the shapes of sounds” 10.35– 10.45: Patricia L. Duffy, United Nations Language and Communications Programme USA. “Portrayals of synesthete-characters in Recent Fiction”

10.45 – 10.55: time for questions and discussion

11.00 – 11.15:Rustem Sakhabiev1, Jörg Jewanski2 1 Musikhochschule, University of Münster, Germany & Kazan’, Russia 2 Musikhochschule, University of Münster, Germany. “Abstract films and their correlation to music. Artistic experiments with synaesthesia at the Promnetheus-Institute in Kazan', Russia”

11.20 – 11.35: Ningui Xiong. Painting Music Art Synesthesia Studio. Beijing. P.R., China “Synaesthesia Expression, Inner Music Characters inPainting”

11.35 – 12.00: Fernando Egido, composer Spain, Intrasensory Synesthesia in Musical Composition 12.00– 12.15: time for questions and discussion

12.20 – 12.35: Laura Carlucci and Clara Puerta Capa, Universidad de Granada. University of Granada, España. Spain “La música en el subtitulado para sordos. Analogías intersemióticas. Music in subtitling for the deaf and hard-of-hearing: intersemiotic analogies” 12.40– 12.55: Toni Frölich, Basel, Switzerland; Raewyn Turner Auckland, New Zealand , “The Nature of Nano – How we can sense a tiny little World” 13.00 – 13.15: time for questions and discussions

13.15 – 13.30: Ângelo Dimitre Gomes Guedes, Universidade Nove de Julho Brasil, “Un retrato de la sinestesia en la fotografía”

13.35 – 13.50: Terry Tricket “Olivier Messiaen's Esoteric World of Sound and Colour”

Time for questions, discussion. Panel wrap-up.


16:30h – 18:00: Collective wall painting final

19.00 – 19.30: Closing Ceremony – Clausura del congreso

Mesa de Honor: Concejalía de Cultura, Excmo. Ayuntamiento Alcalá la Real, Jaén, D. Juan Francisco Martínez y Dr. Francisco Toro Ceballos Representación Instituto de Estudios Giennense, Diputación Provincial de Jaén, Sra Dña Adela Tarifa Fernández, Residente de la Fundación Internacional arteciudad/artecittà nº 743. D. Jesús Caicedo Bernabé

19.30 – 21.00: José Antonio Fernández. SIGCA and Intermodal performance: Ensemble Antonio Brech. Guitarra y bajo eléctricos, Joan Enric Vidal-Psicólogo y músico. Piano. Organo. Sintetizadores, Xavier Ibarz-Informático-Audiovisual animación. POSTERS

POSTER Li Zhong, Northwest University for Nationalities Lanzhou, Gansu Province, 730030, P.R. China Floating Instruments Playing Themselves in Dunhuang Fresco

POSTER Edson Takayuki Tani Institution UNINOVE - Universidade Nove de Julho Brasil Listening to Visual Forms - an exercise of proportions using a Pythagorean monocord

POSTER Ling Wang, College of Foreign Languages, Yunnan University P. R. China The Synesthetic Symbolism of the Buddhist Music and Dance Images of the Bai People in Dali, Yunnan, China POSTER Rita Varlesi and Paulo Costa In-finitude – Ambiência digital

POSTER Marina Buj, Universitat de Girona y Universitat de Barcelona (UB) España El pentagrama musical desde la mirada gráfica: Propuestas en la notación contemporánea

POSTER Cc Hart Fractured Color: orthopedic injuries as perceived by a manual therapist with synesthesia

POSTER Valentina Agostini Pregelj, Akademija za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje, Univerza v Ljubljani (Academy of fine arts and design, University of Ljubljana) Slovenia Exploring the Forms of Fear POSTER Xin Jiang, Yuzhu He, Liyan Liu, Art Synaesthesia Course in Beijing Qing Yu, Nan Zhang, Andi Xiong and Ninghui Xiong,Beijing nº24 Middle School, P.R.China Art Synaesthesia Course in Beijing No.24 Middle School

Actividades Paralelas al Congreso

Proyección Muvi5, Real Conservatorio de Música Superior Victoria Eugenia. Granada. Salón de Actos, días 18, 19, 20, 21 de Mayo.

18 de Mayo. 19.30 h: Inauguración Teknesyn II Opening Act /Inauguración. Palacio Abacial.

19 de Mayo. 18.30 – 21:00: Phantarei/ Acinema performace, and Bolero Ravel Event, Teatro Martínez Montañéz, Alcalá la Real Jaén

20 de Mayo, Ramón Radillo, “Tai Chí artístico-terapéutico” en el Paseo de los Alamos, frente a Capuchinos. Alcalá la Real Jaén

21 de Mayo 19.30 – 21.00: José Antonio Fernández. ATELIER SOFTWARE S.I.G.C.A and Intermodal performance: Ensemble / ENSEMBLE INTERPROFESIONAL-ENCUENTRO METATECNOGRAFICO. Actuación inter-modal: Antonio Brech. Guitarra y bajo eléctricos. Joan Enric Vidal-Psicólogo y músico. Piano. Organo. Sintetizadores . Xavier Ibarz-Informático-Audiovisual animación.

sinestesia (1)

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